Thursday, April 29, 2010

Strategic Leadership

Apple's strategy is focused on innovation. They think about and try to design the next big thing while improving and coming out with new generations of their current devices. In my opinion innovation and strategic thinking go hand-in-hand. Steve Jobs who is a co-founder of Apple in 1976 became CEO (first as a interim CEO) back in 1997. According to our textbook a top management team is anyone with status of VP or hire. Located on Apple's website it lists their executives and currently has 11 different people. Unfortunately none of them are female, but they do divide up the duties such as industrial design, Mac hardware engineering, software engineering, devices hardware, iPhone software and a few others. This division kind of relates to a heterogeneous management team because it breaks of the duties down further rather than having a VP for software and VP of hardware. The divisions are able to get more detailed and innovative as ideas move up and down the chain. Currently having a co-founder as the CEO provides benefits because in this case he is always looking forward and towards change. Jobs is dedicated to the company. Apple also has a great deal of human capital that includes the designers and engineers who are developing the new iPhones and iPads. Steve Jobs is a strategic leader and surrounds himself with other strategic leadership to continue to keep the sound image of Apple and their innovative products.

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